Dear all,
I am doing sensitivity tests using one-way nesting on WRF V4 with a July 31, 2015 event. The wrf.exe runs smoothly before the ndown process. However, when I ran wrf.exe using wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01 (from ndown) it shows the following error. The input data I used is GFS. I already tried running this before with a May 2017 event and it worked fine. However, I checked the number of metgrid levels and they differ. The 2015 GFS data only gave me 27 vertical levels while the 2017 data has 32. I am not sure if this is causing the problem or the data I'm using is outdated. I have attached the error files.
I am doing sensitivity tests using one-way nesting on WRF V4 with a July 31, 2015 event. The wrf.exe runs smoothly before the ndown process. However, when I ran wrf.exe using wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01 (from ndown) it shows the following error. The input data I used is GFS. I already tried running this before with a May 2017 event and it worked fine. However, I checked the number of metgrid levels and they differ. The 2015 GFS data only gave me 27 vertical levels while the 2017 data has 32. I am not sure if this is causing the problem or the data I'm using is outdated. I have attached the error files.
Thank you,taskid: 0 hostname: Hangin
Quilting with 1 groups of 0 I/O tasks.
Ntasks in X 2 , ntasks in Y 2
Parent domain
ids,ide,jds,jde 1 154 1 154
ims,ime,jms,jme -4 84 -4 84
ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 77 1 77
DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate
alloc_space_field: domain 1 , 148365608 bytes allocated
med_initialdata_input: calling input_input
Input data is acceptable to use: wrfinput_d01
Timing for processing wrfinput file (stream 0) for domain 1: 0.15309 elapsed seconds
Max map factor in domain 1 = 0.87. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.
---- WARNING : Older v3 input data detected
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
---- Error : Cannot use moist theta option with old data