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error from radiative module when using sst_skin

Dear Users and Developers,
I introduced the sst_skin option in my run with the radiative scheme RRTMG.
WRF version is 4.4.2 compiled in coupled mode
The run crashes at the first time the radiative scheme is called (15min) and the error comes from the radiative module, guess deals with the longwave radiation:
==== backtrace (tid: 409488) ====
 0 0x00000000028a2b5e rrtmg_lw_taumoltaumol_mp_taugb3_()  module_ra_rrtmg_lw.f90:0
 1 0x0000000002878dd6 rrtmg_lw_taumol_mp_taumol_()  ???:0
 2 0x000000000287037c rrtmg_lw_rad_mp_rrtmg_lw_()  ???:0
 3 0x0000000002863ec2 module_ra_rrtmg_lw_mp_rrtmg_lwrad_()  ???:0
 4 0x0000000001d655ed module_radiation_driver_mp_radiation_driver_()  ???:0
 5 0x000000000223add5 module_first_rk_step_part1_mp_first_rk_step_part1_()  ???:0
 6 0x000000000170184a solve_em_()  ???:0
 7 0x00000000014e672c solve_interface_()  ???:0
 8 0x00000000005a4b54 module_integrate_mp_integrate_()  ???:0
 9 0x00000000004252a1 module_wrf_top_mp_wrf_run_()  ???:0
10 0x0000000000425254 MAIN__()  ???:0
11 0x00000000004251e2 main()  ???:0
12 0x00000000000223d5 __libc_start_main()  ???:0
13 0x00000000004250e9 _start()  ???:0

If I switch to the Dudhia/RRTM schemes, the run crashes at the same time with the following error:
==== backtrace (tid:  49826) ====
 0 0x000000000281627e module_ra_rrtm_mp_taugb3_()  ???:0
 1 0x00000000027fd83e module_ra_rrtm_mp_gasabs_()  ???:0
 2 0x00000000027f0e07 module_ra_rrtm_mp_rrtm_()  ???:0
 3 0x00000000027ed6af module_ra_rrtm_mp_rrtmlwrad_()  ???:0
 4 0x0000000001d66523 module_radiation_driver_mp_radiation_driver_()  ???:0
 5 0x000000000223add5 module_first_rk_step_part1_mp_first_rk_step_part1_()  ???:0
 6 0x000000000170184a solve_em_()  ???:0
 7 0x00000000014e672c solve_interface_()  ???:0
 8 0x00000000005a4b54 module_integrate_mp_integrate_()  ???:0
 9 0x00000000004252a1 module_wrf_top_mp_wrf_run_()  ???:0
10 0x0000000000425254 MAIN__()  ???:0
11 0x00000000004251e2 main()  ???:0
12 0x00000000000223d5 __libc_start_main()  ???:0
13 0x00000000004250e9 _start()  ???:0

The TSK variable is present in the wrfinputfile.
Several core.**** files are produced.
The namelist is:
start_year                   =  2021
start_month                  =  07
start_day                    =  01
start_hour                   =  00
run_days                     =  6
run_hours                    =  00
run_minutes                  =  00
interval_seconds             =  10800
input_from_file              = .false.
history_outname              = './SEAS_COUPLED_ATM_<date>.nc'
history_interval             = 180
frames_per_outfile           = 8
restart                      =  .false.
rst_outname                  = './restart/atm'
rst_inname                   = './restart/atm'
restart_interval             = -1
nocolons                     = .true.
io_form_history              = 11
input_inname                 = '/work/csp/fm05020/wrf/met_prep/ecmwf_fcd2/2021new_monalb/20210701/wrfinput_d01'
io_form_input                = 2
bdy_inname                   = '/work/csp/fm05020/wrf/met_prep/ecmwf_fcd2/2021new_monalb/20210701/wrfbdy_d01'
io_form_boundary             = 2
iofields_filename            = 'non_li_voglio.txt'
time_step                           = 20
time_step_fract_num                 = 0
time_step_fract_den                 = 1
max_dom                             = 1
e_we                                = 1658
e_sn                                = 752
e_vert                              = 40
p_top_requested                     = 5000
num_metgrid_levels                  = 26
num_metgrid_soil_levels             = 4
dx                                  = 4632.395
dy                                  = 4632.395
grid_id                             = 1
parent_id                           = 0
i_parent_start                      = 1
j_parent_start                      = 1
parent_grid_ratio                   = 1
parent_time_step_ratio              = 1
feedback                            = 1
smooth_option                       = 0
num_ext_model_couple_dom            = 1
nproc_x                             = 16
nproc_y                             = 64
mp_physics                          = 8
cu_physics                          = 6
cudt                                = 15
ra_lw_physics                       = 4
ra_sw_physics                       = 4
radt                                = 15
bl_pbl_physics                      = 2
sf_sfclay_physics                   = 2
sst_skin                            = 1
bldt                                = 15
sf_surface_physics                  = 2
sf_lake_physics                     = 0
lakedepth_default                   = 15
use_lakedepth                       = 0
prec_acc_dt                         = 180
icloud                              = 1
num_land_cat                        = 21
sf_urban_physics                    = 0
usemonalb                           = .true.
rdmaxalb                            = .true.
rdlai2d                             = .true.
hybrid_opt                          = 2
w_damping                           = 0
diff_opt                            = 1
km_opt                              = 4
diff_6th_opt                        = 0
diff_6th_factor                     = 0.12
base_temp                           = 290.
damp_opt                            = 3
zdamp                               = 5000.
dampcoef                            = 0.2
khdif                               = 0
kvdif                               = 0
non_hydrostatic                     = .true.
moist_adv_opt                       = 1
scalar_adv_opt                      = 1
gwd_opt                             = 1
spec_bdy_width                      = 5
specified                           = .true.
nio_tasks_per_group = 4
nio_groups = 1

Thank you for any help.
The wrfinput* (initial condition) files should only contain data for the initial time. They do not have multiple times available in them.