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Error in compute_layer_mean: pressure should increase with index


New member
Hi there,

I am trying to run MPAS using a 15-3km elliptical mesh. When I get to the stage of running the model, I get this error:
ERROR: Error in compute_layer_mean: pressure should increase with index

My static file appears to look reasonable, but they are issues in my file:

When I look at the field 'surface pressure', the values are all nans. I have checked my intermediate file format:

And everything looks OK. Does anyone know what might be going on? For reference, my namelists are located here:
I guess the CESM data you processed is netCDF format. In this case pywinter is a good tool to handle the CESM data. However, please double check the output, and make sure the data are vertically monotonic , i.e., the vertical levels must be from bottom-up or from top-down.