Rajarshi Sharma
New member
I got the following error after trying to execute real.exe:
Configuring physics suite 'conus'
mp_physics: 8
cu_physics: 6
ra_lw_physics: 4
ra_sw_physics: 4
bl_pbl_physics: 2
sf_sfclay_physics: 2
sf_surface_physics: 2
Domain # 1: dx = 5000.000 m
git commit f34b11dbb89c002c5c0dca1195aab35daeed7349 14 files changed, 2296 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
Parent domain
ids,ide,jds,jde 1 250 1 300
ims,ime,jms,jme -4 70 -4 82
ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 63 1 75
DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate
alloc_space_field: domain 1 , 245545512 bytes allocated
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.4
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use: met_em.d01.2022-03-01_00:00:00.nc
metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2022-03-01_00:00:00
metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2022-03-01_00:00:00
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 Timing for input 2 s.
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 Turning off use of MAX WIND level data in vertical interpolation
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 Turning off use of TROPOPAUSE level data in vertical interpolation
Max map factor in domain 1 = 1.03. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.
Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc
I have attached my namelist.input, namelist.wps and rsl.error.000 accordingly. Thanks in advance
I got the following error after trying to execute real.exe:
Configuring physics suite 'conus'
mp_physics: 8
cu_physics: 6
ra_lw_physics: 4
ra_sw_physics: 4
bl_pbl_physics: 2
sf_sfclay_physics: 2
sf_surface_physics: 2
Domain # 1: dx = 5000.000 m
git commit f34b11dbb89c002c5c0dca1195aab35daeed7349 14 files changed, 2296 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
Parent domain
ids,ide,jds,jde 1 250 1 300
ims,ime,jms,jme -4 70 -4 82
ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 63 1 75
DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate
alloc_space_field: domain 1 , 245545512 bytes allocated
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.4
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use: met_em.d01.2022-03-01_00:00:00.nc
metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2022-03-01_00:00:00
metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2022-03-01_00:00:00
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 Timing for input 2 s.
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 Turning off use of MAX WIND level data in vertical interpolation
d01 2022-03-01_00:00:00 Turning off use of TROPOPAUSE level data in vertical interpolation
Max map factor in domain 1 = 1.03. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.
Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc
I have attached my namelist.input, namelist.wps and rsl.error.000 accordingly. Thanks in advance