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"Error in ext_pkg_write_field" when using CCSM data

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I am running WRF model using CCSM data as the boundary condition for a specific Indiana region.
I first started with the baseline period. I have done 30 years simulation and everything is working fine except 1998-06-06_12. An error as shown below suddenly emerged. My feeling is that something is wrong with 3-d meteorological fields that have surface level data at this timestep but I cannot figure out how to solve this issue.
Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Processing domain 1 of 2

Processing 1998-06-04_12


Processing 1998-06-04_18


Processing 1998-06-05_00


Processing 1998-06-05_06


Processing 1998-06-05_12


Processing 1998-06-05_18


Processing 1998-06-06_00


Processing 1998-06-06_06


ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field

Rank 0 [Fri Apr 26 08:52:16 2019] [c0-0c2s14n1] application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 45000688) - process 0

forrtl: error (76): Abort trap signal
This error typically does mean that there is surface data missing.
1) Did you notice a size difference between the input files at other date/times, compared to this one, or between the intermediate files compared to this date/time?
2) Have you checked the CCSM input file, or the intermediate file from that particular date/time period to see if there appears to be missing data? There are programs out there that can help you to convert the data from GRIB format so that you can plot it. For example:
a) This one creates .ctl and .idx files so that you can plot the files with GrADS:
b) This utility converts from GRIB format to netCDF format:

or you can plot the intermediate files using one of our utilities:
a) plotfmt.ncl (found in WPS/util/) plots the fields found in the intermediate files
b) or to plot in netCDF format, you can use int2nc.exe to convert the intermediate file to netCDF format, and then use plotfmt_nc.ncl (both found in WPS/util/) to then plot the fields.