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Error in ext_pkg_write_field

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

I am using ECMWF (ERA-Interim) data, downloaded from this site:, I have both surface and pressure levels data.

I am running WRF 3.8.1 on Ubuntu 18.0.4 (for real cases) and so far I have only gotten to metgrid.exe, which showed the following error:

WRF_DEBUG: Warning DIM 4, NAME num_metgrid_levels REDEFINED by var RH 22 21 in wr_io.F90 line 2588
ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_OVERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL

and metgrid.exe stopped after making just the first 7 met_em files.

Does anyone have a similar problem ? I am enclosing both the ungrib.log and metgrid.log in case it could help.

Thank you very much,
Klara Ambrozova


  • metgrid.log
    273.1 KB · Views: 112
  • ungrib.log
    1 MB · Views: 75
This error typically indicates that you are missing surface data for the atmospheric fields. Check that for all of your 3D meteorological fields, there is a surface level included. For reference, these are the mandatory fields for running:

This error can also sometimes result when using ECMWF data, and using the calc_ecmwf_p.exe program. Sometimes the ecmwf_coeffs file may be missing level 0 data, and a line may need to be added to the text file in order to allow metgrid to run correctly, after running calc_ecmwf.

Check to see if either of those may be the problem.
Hi i just get the same error after the change of GFS input link i tried to recompile the modele and everything but the metgrid is showing some errors
here the log file of metgrid can someone help me


  • ungrib.log
    273 KB · Views: 72
  • metgrid.log
    25.3 KB · Views: 111
What version of WPS are you using? If it's a version older than v4.0, take a look at this announcement regarding the change in GFS data:

If that's not the problem, did you check on the advice I suggested to the person who originally posted here:
This error typically indicates that you are missing surface data for the atmospheric fields. Check that for all of your 3D meteorological fields, there is a surface level included. For reference, these are the mandatory fields for running:
Hi, i have almost the same error as klara_353 :

2019-07-24 10:10:32.347 --- INFORM: PRES at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2019-07-24 10:10:32.354 --- INFORM: Field LANDSEA.mask does not have a valid mask and will not be checked for missing values
2019-07-24 10:10:32.362 --- Initializing output module.
2019-07-24 10:10:32.367 --- ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field

and metgrid.exe stops after creating ONLY one met_em file.

I have read your suggestions but i could not find any solution.
Can please anyone guide me ??
my e-mail :

Thank you in advance,
Miliotis Vasilis
Can you attach the gfs file that you are using, along with the Vtable and namelist.wps you're using? Thanks!
Hello,thank you, i solved it with some help.
As it seems, i had to download WPS v4.1 and metgrid ran succesfully

Thanks for the answer,