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ERROR: In read_next_field(), got error code -1004


New member
Dear all;
I meet the error"ERROR: In read_next_field(), got error code -1004" when I used metgrid.exe.The problem is:
For the original,i do some chenges(at the attach files).I change LANDUSEF's second dimension from 24 to 33 and added relevant data
Could you give me some advices?Thank you very much!


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I first would like to apologize for the long delay in response. We have been occupied with preparing for our upcoming code release and have gotten behind with forum posts. Thank you so much for your patience.

If you are still experiencing this issue, can you try to run metgrid with a geo_em* file that you did NOT modify to confirm that it works properly? That will let us know whether the modification is the cause of the problem. Thanks.