As the previous posts on the matter have been archived, here's a new one. Is there anything I could do to solve this error ?
Note that altitude (at i,j = 1) and pressure (at k = 1,2) are very unlikely to me... I don't understand where these values come from.
I already tried adding etac = 0.1 ; 0.05 & 0.3 with no positive result.
As the previous posts on the matter have been archived, here's a new one. Is there anything I could do to solve this error ?
Note that altitude (at i,j = 1) and pressure (at k = 1,2) are very unlikely to me... I don't understand where these values come from.
I already tried adding etac = 0.1 ; 0.05 & 0.3 with no positive result.
taskid: 0 hostname: r1i6n27
module_io_quilt_old.F 2931 T
Ntasks in X 1 , ntasks in Y 2
Domain # 1: dx = 21000.000 m
Domain # 2: dx = 7000.000 m
Domain # 3: dx = 2333.333 m
Parent domain
ids,ide,jds,jde 1 441 1 166
ims,ime,jms,jme -4 446 -4 90
ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 441 1 83
DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate
alloc_space_field: domain 1 , 2306475580 bytes allocated
This input data is not V4: OUTPUT FROM WRF V3.6.1 MODEL
Input data is acceptable to use: wrfout_d01_2005-02-02.nc
----- ERROR: The reference pressure is not monotonically decreasing
This tends to be caused by very high topography
(i,j) = 1 1 , topography = 217.6845 m
k = 1 , reference pressure = 2461.297 Pa
k = 2 , reference pressure = 5000.000 Pa
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
In the dynamics namelist record, reduce etac from 0.2000000