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error with real.exe

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

I am trying to run following online tutorial.
I have downloaded same data mentioned in the tutorial. but when I run real.exe I got this error

metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2000-01-24_12:00:00
Timing for input 0 s.
flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1
Max map factor in domain 1 = 1.03. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.
ERROR in psfc: flag_psfc = 1, flag_soilhgt = 1, flag_slp = 0, sfcp_to_sfcp = F
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
not enough info for a p sfc computation
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0

Here below I have attached namelist of wps and wrf. Kindly help me. I am trying to run wrf for several days


  • namelist.wps
    1.3 KB · Views: 47
  • namelist.input
    3.9 KB · Views: 65
yes I have run WPS successfully, I have met_em files.
As per online tutorial the data I have downloaded that is FNL data. I have used same Vtable that is used for GFS.
And it is showing the above error.
I guess those data in our website are pretty old and corrupted. Please download new data from here

Then try again. Let me know fi you still have problems.
I'm using WRF v3.9.1.1 and facing an error while running ./real.exe. I'm a beginner and not sure what this error is talking about. Please have a look into my rsl.out, namelist.input, namelist.wps file and let me know how to fix this.



  • namelist.input.txt
    6.1 KB · Views: 54
  • rsl.out.0000.txt
    293 bytes · Views: 80
  • namelist.wps.txt
    725 bytes · Views: 47