Good morning,
I am running a version compiled by myself of WRF v4.0 on Cheyenne. I compiled my version like the pre-compiled ones, with dmpar and Intel processor.
I have three nested domains (15-3-1 km) with the following extensions and grid points:
parent_id = 1, 1, 2,
parent_grid_ratio = 1, 5, 3,
i_parent_start = 1, 35,110,
j_parent_start = 1, 40,45,
e_we = 100, 231,322,
e_sn = 90, 201,298,
I am running the batch job with the following configuration:
#PBS -l walltime=08:00:00
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36
At this time it takes 6 hours to run it.
I tried to increase the nodes, but I can't do more than two, and this message appears:
For domain 1 , the domain size is too small for this many processors, or the decomposition aspect ratio is poor.
Minimum decomposed computational patch size, either x-dir or y-dir, is 10 grid cells.
e_we = 100, nproc_x = 20, with cell width in x-direction = 5
e_sn = 90, nproc_y = 27, with cell width in y-direction = 3
--- ERROR: Reduce the MPI rank count, or redistribute the tasks.
For domain 2 , the domain size is too small for this many processors, or the decomposition aspect ratio is poor.
Minimum decomposed computational patch size, either x-dir or y-dir, is 10 grid cells.
e_we = 231, nproc_x = 20, with cell width in x-direction = 11
e_sn = 201, nproc_y = 27, with cell width in y-direction = 7
--- ERROR: Reduce the MPI rank count, or redistribute the tasks.
Is that just related with increasing my number of grid points in those domains?
Also, even having a high walltime and being able to run my entire simulation (30 hours in total), when it finishes, my exit status is never 0, and in the case file generated I have the following message:
PBS: job killed: walltime 43216 exceeded limit 43200
Why I am still having this messages even if my entire simulation is done?
Thanks a lot in advance.
I am running a version compiled by myself of WRF v4.0 on Cheyenne. I compiled my version like the pre-compiled ones, with dmpar and Intel processor.
I have three nested domains (15-3-1 km) with the following extensions and grid points:
parent_id = 1, 1, 2,
parent_grid_ratio = 1, 5, 3,
i_parent_start = 1, 35,110,
j_parent_start = 1, 40,45,
e_we = 100, 231,322,
e_sn = 90, 201,298,
I am running the batch job with the following configuration:
#PBS -l walltime=08:00:00
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36
At this time it takes 6 hours to run it.
I tried to increase the nodes, but I can't do more than two, and this message appears:
For domain 1 , the domain size is too small for this many processors, or the decomposition aspect ratio is poor.
Minimum decomposed computational patch size, either x-dir or y-dir, is 10 grid cells.
e_we = 100, nproc_x = 20, with cell width in x-direction = 5
e_sn = 90, nproc_y = 27, with cell width in y-direction = 3
--- ERROR: Reduce the MPI rank count, or redistribute the tasks.
For domain 2 , the domain size is too small for this many processors, or the decomposition aspect ratio is poor.
Minimum decomposed computational patch size, either x-dir or y-dir, is 10 grid cells.
e_we = 231, nproc_x = 20, with cell width in x-direction = 11
e_sn = 201, nproc_y = 27, with cell width in y-direction = 7
--- ERROR: Reduce the MPI rank count, or redistribute the tasks.
Is that just related with increasing my number of grid points in those domains?
Also, even having a high walltime and being able to run my entire simulation (30 hours in total), when it finishes, my exit status is never 0, and in the case file generated I have the following message:
PBS: job killed: walltime 43216 exceeded limit 43200
Why I am still having this messages even if my entire simulation is done?
Thanks a lot in advance.