Hello, I have been trying to initialize WRF (4.2) using the GEFS reforecast dataset (https://noaa-gefs-retrospective.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html). I have a Python script that downloads all of the required WRF fields from the required timesteps then uses xArray and the PyWinter packages to convert the GRIB files into the WRF intermediate files (I have attached one to this post (FILE.log)), ensuring to convert all fields to the same geographical 0.5 degree grid.
When I try to run metgrid on a simple domain (Small area in CONUS with 4km resolution), metgrid aborts with errors about missing values on fields such as PRES, SOILHGT, PMSL, PSFC, and GHT, ab both (1, 1), along with other coordinates that don't make much sense to me, although when inspecting the data in the files, there are values for the specified fields in the intermediate file.
I have attached my namelist, as well as logs from both metgrid.exe and the output from rd_intermediate.exe.
Any assistance to identifying what is occurring and how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.
When I try to run metgrid on a simple domain (Small area in CONUS with 4km resolution), metgrid aborts with errors about missing values on fields such as PRES, SOILHGT, PMSL, PSFC, and GHT, ab both (1, 1), along with other coordinates that don't make much sense to me, although when inspecting the data in the files, there are values for the specified fields in the intermediate file.
I have attached my namelist, as well as logs from both metgrid.exe and the output from rd_intermediate.exe.
Any assistance to identifying what is occurring and how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.