Hello all,
Recently, I was testing the capabilty of MPAS-A model in simulating tropical cyclones. However, when I compiled the model with 'make gfortran CORE=atmosphere PRECISION=single AUTOCLEAN=true DEBUG=true', and ran the model with Thompson microphysics (with the 'convection_permitting' physics suite), I always encountered the "Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation" error at the first time step.
Here are some details:
Recently, I was testing the capabilty of MPAS-A model in simulating tropical cyclones. However, when I compiled the model with 'make gfortran CORE=atmosphere PRECISION=single AUTOCLEAN=true DEBUG=true', and ran the model with Thompson microphysics (with the 'convection_permitting' physics suite), I always encountered the "Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation" error at the first time step.
Here are some details:
- I compiled the code with gcc v9.5.0, mpich 3.3.2, hdf5 1.10.11, netcdf v4.7.4, netcdf-fortran v4.5.4 + p-netcdf v1.10.0, hdf5 v1.10.11, pio v2.5.4.
- The pbs log file points the error to file 'src/core_atmosphere/physics/physics_wrf/module_mp_thompson.F' line 1860. The model would write history and diag files at the initial timestep but fail afterwards. I did some tests and realized the problem has something to do with 'mvd_r(k).gt.100.E-6' in the if statement.
- I tested the (a) the 'mesoscale_reference' suite and (b) the 'convection_permitting' suite overridden with 'WSM6' microphysics, and both worked.
- I tested both 60-3 km and 60-15km grids, and both showed the same behavior.
- Finally, I tested Thompson microphysics (with the 'convection_permitting' physics suite) with DEBUG option been turn off, the model ran smoothly.
- I'm attaching the namelist and log files associated with the failed run for your reference.