I am running ndown.exe to get the BCs from domain 01 to domain 02, for a 12 hour period, for every second. I have wrfout_d01 files for every hour with 3600 frames in them for every second. I would like to create wrfbdy_d02 for the whole 12 hour period. I have been running ndown successfully without any errors. It goes smoothly over the whole 12 hour period. However, when I check the wrfbdy_d02 it only contains the first 10000 seconds. I started ndown again from 3 hours later, however, again wrfbdy_d02 only contains the first 10000 time steps. Is there any way I can increase this limit? is this hardcoded or is there any variable that I need to set up in my namelist?
I am running ndown.exe to get the BCs from domain 01 to domain 02, for a 12 hour period, for every second. I have wrfout_d01 files for every hour with 3600 frames in them for every second. I would like to create wrfbdy_d02 for the whole 12 hour period. I have been running ndown successfully without any errors. It goes smoothly over the whole 12 hour period. However, when I check the wrfbdy_d02 it only contains the first 10000 seconds. I started ndown again from 3 hours later, however, again wrfbdy_d02 only contains the first 10000 time steps. Is there any way I can increase this limit? is this hardcoded or is there any variable that I need to set up in my namelist?