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./geogrid.exe: symbol lookup error

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
dear all
I am trying to run the WRF test case(January 2000) and I'm a beginner. all the necessary libraries have been installed and WRF and WPS have been compiled correctly. I'm using an Intel compiler as a source. when trying to run geogrid.exe I get the following error:

./geogrid.exe: symbol lookup error: ./geogrid.exe: undefined symbol: for__b_fmt_table

I will appreciate it if you could give me any hints.
Would you please tell the following information:
(1) How did you compile WRF? Which compiler did you use? Which WRF version did you compile?
(2) How did you compile WPS, e.g., in serial or dmpar mode? Which version of WPS did you use?
Dear Chen
I used ifort compiler with icc to compile WRF and WPS. WRF has been compiled in dmpar mode and WPS has been compiled in serial mode.
I'm using WRF and WPS V3.6.
for__b_fmt_table looks like a Fortran run-time-library problem. Please make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set correctly.
In addition, note that libraries and include-files for different MPI versions (OpenMPI, MPICH, etc) and/or for different underlying compiler-set are not compatible with each other. If this problem persists, please ask to your computer manager to thoroughly check your libs, compilers, and other environmental settings.