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This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


User's guide and tutorial presentations clearly state that GFS (hwrf) is NMM-only PBL scheme. However, once during testing different physics I set by mistake bl_pbl_physics = 3 and sf_sfclay_physics = 3 and got very good results, in fact best among all other PBL schemes I verified against surface observations. Then I discovered by reading User's guide that this is basically something that should not even work in ARW at all.

Basically, any time I test that scheme it produces superior results compared to pretty much any other PBL scheme. I'm confused. Is that a mistake in official documentation or it is really completely unsupported scheme in ARW but somehow works just fine?

Thank you!
The options bl_pbl_physics = 3 and sf_sfclay_physics = 3 work for WRF-ARW.
The document is kind of confusing. We will correct it soon.