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Goddard 4-ice microphysics segfaults with ifort 2019

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


I have small bug report (I believe).

New MP scheme, mp_physics = 7 does not work if compiled with ifort 2019. However, it does if compiled with ifort 2016. Other compilers did not tried.

The crash:
Timing for main (dt= 30.00): time 2019-02-02_00:00:30 on domain   1:    1.32652 elapsed seconds
Timing for main (dt= 31.50): time 2019-02-02_00:01:01 on domain   1:    0.50154 elapsed seconds
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source             
wrf.exe.AVX        00000000036F7773  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        00000000036D4AC0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        0000000002FDB515  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        0000000002FD8CFE  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        0000000002FD7ADF  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        00000000026F0081  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        0000000001DCB8A0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        000000000148BF83  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        0000000001285E74  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        0000000000550BAF  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        0000000000400F31  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        0000000000400EE4  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        0000000000400E72  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        00000000037F2059  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
wrf.exe.AVX        0000000000400D4A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

Every time, with any other physics combination, always somewhere around second time step.

Hi Ivan,
Thanks for sending this. We will run some tests and check this out and keep you posted.

Hi Ivan,
I ran a test with Ifort v19 and v17 (I don't have v16 available for testing) and set mp_physics = 7. It seems to work okay for both of them.

1) For each build (ifort V16 and V19) can you attach your configure.wrf file, and your compile logs? Please name them accordingly so that I recognize to which version each belongs. Please also attach your namelist.input file so that I can test that to see if there is a specific setting (combined with option 7) that is causing problems?


For me it is not important that this is resolved. Actually I don't intend to use Goddard MP, so the purporse of my post was just to inform you of possible bug in code. If it works for you, then probably, it was some compilation problem on my side.

If you still insist I will attach those files.

Okay. I'm glad this isn't causing any problems for you. Thank you for letting us know, though. If anyone else comes across this problem, I may ask at that point for some additional information for comparison to their set-up, but for now we will assume it's related to your compile.

Thanks again!