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grid_rotate make error on Derecho


New member
I'm attempting to run "make" on grid_rotate on Derecho, and am getting the following output and error:

/glade/u/apps/common/23.04/spack/opt/spack/intel-oneapi-compilers/2023.0.0/compiler/latest/linux/bin/intel64/ifort grid_rotate.f90 -o grid_rotate -O3 -I/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.06/spack/opt/spack/netcdf/4.9.2/packages/netcdf-fortran/4.6.0/oneapi/2023.0.0/amlu/include -I/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.06/spack/opt/spack/netcdf/4.9.2/packages/netcdf-fortran/4.6.0/oneapi/2023.0.0/amlu/include -L/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.06/spack/opt/spack/netcdf/4.9.2/packages/netcdf-fortran/4.6.0/oneapi/2023.0.0/amlu/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lnetcdf -lm

/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/7/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lnetcdf

/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/7/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lnetcdf

make: *** [Makefile:9: grid_rotate] Error 1

For reference, I have the following modules loaded:

Currently Loaded Modules:

1) ncarenv/23.06 (S) 3) intel/2023.0.0 5) cray-mpich/8.1.25 7) hdf5/1.12.2

2) craype/2.7.20 4) ncarcompilers/1.0.0 6) parallel-netcdf/1.12.3 8) netcdf/4.9.2
I just compiled grid_rotate in derecho. Below is what I loaded:

Currently Loaded Modules:

  1) ncarenv/23.06 (S)   3) nco/5.1.4   5) ncview/2.1.8     7) ncarcompilers/1.0.0   9) hdf5/1.12.2

  2) craype/2.7.20       4) ncl/6.6.2   6) intel/2023.0.0   8) cray-mpich/8.1.25    10) netcdf/4.9.2

And I simply issue the command 'make'. The code can be successfully compiled.

Can you try again?
I tried this and got the exact same error...

/glade/u/apps/common/23.04/spack/opt/spack/intel-oneapi-compilers/2023.0.0/compiler/latest/linux/bin/intel64/ifort grid_rotate.f90 -o grid_rotate -O3 -I/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.06/spack/opt/spack/netcdf/4.9.2/packages/netcdf-fortran/4.6.0/oneapi/2023.0.0/amlu/include -I/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.06/spack/opt/spack/netcdf/4.9.2/packages/netcdf-fortran/4.6.0/oneapi/2023.0.0/amlu/include -L/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.06/spack/opt/spack/netcdf/4.9.2/packages/netcdf-fortran/4.6.0/oneapi/2023.0.0/amlu/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lnetcdf -lm

/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/7/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lnetcdf

/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/7/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lnetcdf

make: *** [Makefile:9: grid_rotate] Error 1

EDIT: I loaded my modules in the same order as yours, and I still got the same errors. Otherwise my next guess would be perhaps related to my .bashrc file, or LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

1) ncarenv/23.06 (S) 3) nco/5.1.4 5) ncview/2.1.8 7) ncarcompilers/1.0.0 9) hdf5/1.12.2

2) craype/2.7.20 4) ncl/6.6.2 6) intel/2023.0.0 8) cray-mpich/8.1.25 10) netcdf/4.9.2
Last edited:
If this helps in debugging, I was technically able to successfully compile the code when I manually entered the output I get for "nf-config --flibs" for FCLIBS in the makefile:

-L/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.06/spack/opt/spack/netcdf/4.9.2/packages/netcdf-fortran/4.6.0/oneapi/2023.0.0/amlu/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lnetcdf -lm

And removed the "lnetcdf" references:

-L/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.06/spack/opt/spack/netcdf/4.9.2/packages/netcdf-fortran/4.6.0/oneapi/2023.0.0/amlu/lib -lnetcdff -lm

Even though this compiled, when I tried to run "grid_rotate" I still got the following error:

./grid_rotate: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I think this may be a problem with the nf-config program in the NetCDF-Fortran 4.9.2 library, and which we use for locating the correct NetCDF libraries in the grid_rotate Makefile. On Derecho with the netcdf/4.9.2 module loaded, running nf-config --flibs gives
-L/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.06/spack/opt/spack/netcdf/4.9.2/packages/netcdf-fortran/4.6.0/oneapi/2023.0.0/amlu/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lnetcdf -lm
while the $NETCDF environment variable suggests that the NetCDF-C library (linked with -lnetcdf) is found in /glade/u/apps/derecho/23.06/spack/opt/spack/netcdf/4.9.2/oneapi/2023.0.0/iijr/lib .

Can you try modifying the definition of FCLIBS in the top-level grid_rotate Makefile so that it looks like this?
FCLIBS = $(shell nf-config --flibs) -L${NETCDF}/lib
Also, after compiling grid_rotate using the modification to FCLIBS mentioned in my previous post, you may get the following error when trying to run it on Derecho:
./grid_rotate: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It seems that loading the netcdf/4.9.2 module on Derecho doesn't correctly set the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to allow the netcdff shared library to be found. So you may need to set your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to ${NETCDF}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH .

Hopefully a new NetCDF library and an update to the netcdf module on Derecho will obviate the need for these manual changes.
Just to provide an update on this issue, it should no longer be necessary to edit the Makefile or to make changes to the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for both the convert_mpas and grid_rotate tools now that MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Tools PR #556 and mgduda/convert_mpas PR #14 have been merged.