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HAIL fields are set to zeros

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hello all,

When runing WRF V 4.3.3 with afwa_severe_opt = 1
the hail field AFWA_HAIL is always empty (all values are set to 0) even with weather situation with severe weather
Any suggestion to fix this issue

Here is my namelist.input

 start_year     = 2022, 2022,
 start_month    = 05, 05,
 start_day      = 14, 14,
 start_hour     = 18, 18,
 start_minute   = 0, 0
 start_second   = 0, 0
 end_year       = 2022, 2022,
 end_month      = 05, 05,
 end_day        = 16, 16, 
 end_hour       = 00, 00, 
 end_minute     = 0, 0
 end_second      = 0, 0
 interval_seconds           = 21600
 history_interval           = 30, 60
 frames_per_outfile         = 1, 1
 restart                     = .false.,
 io_form_history                     = 2
 io_form_restart                     = 2
 io_form_input                       = 2
 io_form_boundary                    = 2
 debug_level                         = 0
 nwp_diagnostics                     = 1
 debug_level                         = 0
 adjust_output_times                 = .true. 
 time_step                           = 60,
 time_step_fract_num                 = 0,
 time_step_fract_den                 = 1,
 max_dom                             = 1,
 e_we                                = 330,    253,   
 e_sn                                = 320,    253,    
 e_vert                              = 35,    35,    
 p_top_requested                     = 10000,
 num_metgrid_levels                  = 21
 num_metgrid_soil_levels             = 4,
 dx                                  = 4000, 1000,  
 dy                                  = 4000, 1000,  
 grid_id                             = 1,     2,     
 parent_id                           = 0,     1,     
 i_parent_start                      = 1,     281,    
 j_parent_start                      = 1,     131,    
 parent_grid_ratio                   = 1,     3,     
 parent_time_step_ratio              = 1,     3,   
 feedback                            = 1,
 smooth_option                       = 0
 use_adaptive_time_step              = .true.,
 step_to_output_time                 = .true.,
 target_cfl                          = 1.2,1,2
 target_hcfl                         = .84,0.84
 max_step_increase_pct               = 5,51
 starting_time_step                  = -1,-1
 max_time_step                       =  84,18
 min_time_step                       =  36,6
 adaptation_domain                   =  1,

 mp_physics                          = 8,     8,    
 ra_lw_physics                       = 1,     1,     
 ra_sw_physics                       = 2,     2,    
 radt                                = 10,    10,    
 sf_surface_physics                  = 2,     2,     
 sf_sfclay_physics                   = 2,     2,
 bl_pbl_physics                      = 5,     5,     
 bldt                                = 0,     0,    
 cu_physics                          = 0,     0,    
 cudt                                = 5,     5,     
 prec_acc_dt                         = 30,    60,
 isfflx                              = 1,
 ifsnow                              = 1,
 icloud                              = 1,
 surface_input_source                = 3,
 num_soil_layers                     = 4,
 num_land_cat                        = 21,
 sf_urban_physics                    = 0,     0,    
 do_radar_ref                        = 1,
 lightning_option                    = 1,      1,
 hailcast_opt                        = 1,
 haildt                              = 60,

 hybrid_opt                          = 2, 
 w_damping                           = 1,
 diff_opt                            = 2,      2,      1,
 km_opt                              = 4,      4,      4,
 diff_6th_opt                        = 0,      0,      0,
 diff_6th_factor                     = 0.12,   0.12,   0.12,
 base_temp                           = 290.
 damp_opt                            = 3,
 zdamp                               = 5000.,  5000.,  5000.,
 dampcoef                            = 0.2,    0.2,    0.2
 khdif                               = 0,      0,      0,
 kvdif                               = 0,      0,      0,
 non_hydrostatic                     = .true., .true., .true.,
 moist_adv_opt                       = 1,      1,      1,     
 scalar_adv_opt                      = 1,      1,      1,     
 gwd_opt                             = 1, 
 epssm                               = 0.5,   0.5,
afwa_diag_opt                        = 1,1,
afwa_ptype_opt                       = 1,1
afwa_severe_opt                      = 1,1
afwa_vil_opt                         = 1,1
afwa_cloud_opt                       = 1,1
afwa_therm_opt                       = 1,1
afwa_turb_opt                        = 1,1
afwa_buoy_opt                        = 1,1

 spec_bdy_width                      = 5,
 spec_zone                           = 1,
 relax_zone                          = 4,
 specified                           = .true., .false.,
 nested                              = .false., .true., 


 nio_tasks_per_group = 0,
 nio_groups = 1,
Your namelist.inout indicates that you run with mp_physics = 8. Note that this option doesn't output hail information.
Can you switch to mp_phsyics =7 or 9, then try again?