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HARV2 水汽通量公式


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iuq=dim_sum_n(vq_dpg, 1)


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Can you clarify your question?

I suppose HARV2 is "The High Asia Refined analysis version 2 (HAR v2)" ?
Can you clarify your question?

I suppose HARV2 is "The High Asia Refined analysis version 2 (HAR v2)" ?
Yes, I want to use the wind, u v and specific humidity in the HARV2 data to make the water vapor flux formula, but I am not sure if the specific humidity data is the HARv2_d10km_m_3d_press_qvapor_*.nc data in it, I calculated it on the premise that I assume that this data is specific humidity, because I want to extract the data from 1980 to 2020 for anomaly, but I found that when using the year calculation, the data becomes 3 dimensions, the baropressure layer * latitude * longitude, and it is in use

iuq=dim_sum_n(vq_dpg, 1)

When this formula is calculated, the air pressure is gone, but the data is also the NAN value, just like the graph I asked for the first time, I want to ask, is my data download wrong? Or if I'm having a problem with something, I can put my script up if I need to
是的,我想用HARV2数据里的风,u v和比湿来进行水汽通量公式,但我不确定比湿数据是否是里面的HARv2_d10km_m_3d_press_qvapor_*.nc这个数据,在我假设这个数据是比湿的前提下进行了计算,因为我要提取1980-2020年间的数据进行距平场,但发现使用年计算时,数据变为3维,气压层*纬度*经度,并且在使用

iuq=dim_sum_n(vq_dpg, 1)
