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How does WRF by default handle overlapping forecast input data?

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Not sure if this thread belongs here on in 'ungrib', but I'm curious how WRF by default handles input forecast data (e.g. GFS) that has overlapping timestamps (e.g. hour 6 from a 0h forecast file, hour 0 from the following 6h forecast file). Does WRF give preference to the first data file, or the most recent data, or some other factor? And can that default preference be changed?
If one runs WRF for real-time forecast, large-scale forcing like GFS will be used to drive WRF For example, if WRF forecast is initialized at 0000 UTC, then GFS forecast products initialized at the same time will be used to drive WRF, i.e., GFS 0000, 0300FCST, 0600FCST, 0900FCST, etc will be used.

Ming Chen