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How to adapt WRF to input a 4D time-varying nc file

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.



I want to add some new 4D variables in the WRF. Actually I want to modify a script (I don't know which script in the WRF is better for this purpose but I used solve_em.F) to read some variables every 6 hours.

Now I have an WRF I/O format format file which contains u-component of wind and v component of wind and Temperature and Qvapor. Each variable's dimension is Times(357)*zlevel(27)*south_north(560)*west_east(410). The time is 6-hourly. The size of this nc file is 30 T.

Is there any way to read these varibles at 6-hour time interval in parallel way ?

ps: what the "auxinput" mean?

Thanks a lot
I would suggest you take a look at the sst_update option and related information in WRF ( Registry and codes). This option updates SST, SEAICE, LAI etc. at specified time intervals (e.g., 3-hour, 6-hour, 12-hour, etc.). Please follow the same procedures to ingest your data at 6-hour intervals.

auxinput simply indicates the data related to this stream is for input data to WRF. One example is
auxinput4_inname ="wrflowinp_d<domain>"
This tells WRF that "wrflowinp" data is supposed to be read into WRF through the "channel 4"