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how to change the lat and lon of convrad idealized case?

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi! I'm a new user of WRF. I'm trying to investigate the effects of changing soil moisture on boundary layer moist enthalpy. I intend to customize the convrad idealized case. There are couple things I may need to customize among which I want to move the latitude from the tropics to midlatitudes. However I feel confused about how to do so.

Within module_initialize_ideal.F there are
CALL nl_set_cen_lat(1,20.) CALL nl_set_cen_lon(1,-105.)
which seems to be the way to change lat/lon. However the discussion here ( seems to suggest the the nl_set* functions only affect the metadata. Is that correct?

If it is correct? Where should I make these changes? Within module_initialize_ideal.F, there are also code
grid%xlat(i,j)= 10.
grid%xlong(i,j) = 0.
. Does that mean the latitude and longitude of the whole domain for convrad is set to a constant? The discussion here ( suggest to look at the held_suarez case which sets the latitude and longitude everywhere. I found the code in module_initialize_heldsuarez.F:
grid%xlat(i,j)  = (REAL(jg)-0.5)*dphi-90.
grid%xlong(i,j) = (REAL(ig)-0.5)*dlam-180.
. Is this the right way to go?

I'm using WRFv4.3.3
Appreciate for any help!

Hi Qin,
I do think that post is similar to what you're interested in. I think it's important that you do the last thing mentioned in that post too, though (regarding share/output_wrf.F - posted by davegill). Try a test with what you're doing and see if it works for you.
Hi Kwerner,

Thanks for your kind reply! I will try the suggestions.

kwerner said:
Hi Qin,
I do think that post is similar to what you're interested in. I think it's important that you do the last thing mentioned in that post too, though (regarding share/output_wrf.F - posted by davegill). Try a test with what you're doing and see if it works for you.