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How to convert 12 monthly green vegetation fraction data sets into a binary file

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I now have 12 months of vegetation coverage data in geotiff format. How do you integrate the 12 green vegetation fraction geotiff files into a single file to convert it into a binary file in geog static data? I can convert a single geotiff file into a two-dimensional binary file, but I do n’t know how to make 12 green vegetation fraction files with the month as the third dimension into a three-dimensional data. I look forward to your reply! Thank you very much!

I have the same question. In the WRF manual in chapter 3, it says that each "sub-array is written contiguously to the binary file." From the index file for 12-month albedo, there is a z-dimension with 12 values. Is there a separate command in GDAL to do this?


I also want to combine the greenfrac binary files for each month into one file. I wonder has anyone figured this out?


I also have the same question. I wonder if anyone has managed to convert the 12 months of albedo or LAI to the binary raster format that WPS uses.
