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How to create FRC_URB2D using GlobeLand30 data?


Hi all
the wrf user guide provide a way to create FRC_URB2D "Creating an Urban Fraction Field from NLCD Data".
But i want to use Globeland30 to create the FRC_URB2D,would you give me some ideas about it?
thank you!
FRC_URB2D is already available in the NLCD dataset. The WRF User Guide provides a description how to extract this field and write this data in static binary format. Can you check whether Globeland30 also includes FRC_URB2D?
FRC_URB2D is already available in the NLCD dataset. The WRF User Guide provides a description how to extract this field and write this data in static binary format. Can you check whether Globeland30 also includes FRC_URB2D?
Hi Ming Chen
Thank for you ideas.Because thet NLCD dataset doesn't include the area that i srudied.So i want to use GlobaLand30 to create the FRC_URB2D.To do that, i had used the way provided by WRF user guide of chapter3(Creating an Urban Fraction Field from NLCD Data).But the result were bot stisfactory.
This is my production process.
step(1):Using Arcgis pro to reclassify the tif file into 3 categories,corresponding to 22-24 in NLCD(but i think it is wrong,because the NLCD is classified by urban and impervious ground ratio. And i want to use the urban ratio to reclassify,but i don't have the idea,so i just simply use GlobeLand30 to reclassify 3 categories by Arcgis pro.Do you have some idea to classify?).
step(2):Using gdal_traslate to convert the tif to the binary and using uf.c( to get the urban fraction data.It's all ok.But when i create index for the binary file and modify the GEOGRID.TBL and run the geogrid.exe,the values in are both 0.
It's strange that.Doyou have some idea for this?
Thank you!


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