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How to estimate particle fall speed and radar radial velocity from the WRF model?

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Dear Colleges,

Does the WRF model outputs particle fall speed and radar radial velocity variables? If not, are there any post-processing tools to estimate those specific variables?

Kind regards,
Hi Ming,
I was able to find the following variables for the fall speed of ice in the Registry.EM_COMMON file of the WRF V4.2:

state real vmi3d ikj misc 1 - hdu "v_ice" "Mass-weighted ice fallspeed cat 1" "m s-1"
state real di3d ikj misc 1 - hdu "d_ice" "Mass-weighted mean ice size cat 1" "m"
state real rhopo3d ikj misc 1 - hdu "rho_ice" "Mass-weighted mean ice density cat 1" "kg m-3"
state real phii3d ikj misc 1 - hdu "phi_ice" "Number-weighted mean ice aspect ratio cat 1" ""
state real vmi3d_2 ikj misc 1 - hdu "v_ice2" "Mass-weighted ice fallspeed cat 2" "m s-1"
state real di3d_2 ikj misc 1 - hdu "d_ice2" "Mass-weighted mean ice size cat 2" "m"
state real rhopo3d_2 ikj misc 1 - hdu "rho_ice2" "Mass-weighted mean ice density cat 2" "kg m-3"
state real phii3d_2 ikj misc 1 - hdu "phi_ice2" "Number-weighted mean ice aspect ratio cat 2" ""
state real vmi3d_3 ikj misc 1 - hdu "v_ice3" "Mass-weighted ice fallspeed cat 3" "m s-1"

Is it possible to output these variables with all microphysical schemes? Do you know what do categories 1-3 refer to?

Kind regards,
These variables are only available for P3 microphysics scheme (mp_physics=50, 51, 52), corresponding to categories 1-3.