I am trying to generate the track of a tropical cyclone using WRF. Initially I tried with basic WRF configuration with em_real compilation but didn't find any script to track down the cyclone path as em_real is not generating any vortex tracking data. So, I recompiled WRF with vortex follwoing & em_tropical_cyclone configuration. But the problem is, still my model isn't generating any ATCF data (or any vortex tracking data) & to be true I am now confused whether I am on the right track to generate those data. At present I am not focusing on forecast accuracy / track variations (will work on physics options later, currently focusing on generating the track data only). I am quite new in using WRF & it will be a great help if you can give me some insight on this issue on how to do it.
>. My namelist.wps & namelist.input files are attached below.
>. My namelist.wps & namelist.input files are attached below.