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How to generate the track data of a tropical cyclone using WRF?

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New member
I am trying to generate the track of a tropical cyclone using WRF. Initially I tried with basic WRF configuration with em_real compilation but didn't find any script to track down the cyclone path as em_real is not generating any vortex tracking data. So, I recompiled WRF with vortex follwoing & em_tropical_cyclone configuration. But the problem is, still my model isn't generating any ATCF data (or any vortex tracking data) & to be true I am now confused whether I am on the right track to generate those data. At present I am not focusing on forecast accuracy / track variations (will work on physics options later, currently focusing on generating the track data only). I am quite new in using WRF & it will be a great help if you can give me some insight on this issue on how to do it.

>. My namelist.wps & namelist.input files are attached below.


  • namelist (1).input
    4.3 KB · Views: 88
  • namelist.wps
    718 bytes · Views: 64
Are you running an ideal case or a real data case? Based on your namelist option, I suppose you are running the ideal case. Please let me know if I am wrong. For ideal case, no ATCF information will be generated. You need to create codes to identify the track based on wrfout.

ATCF data are only produced when running real data case with vortex-following option.
Thanks for your reply.
I tried with ideal configuration & didn't get any ATCF data.
I also tried with real data case but not with vortex following option, still no ATCF data.
I will try with real data case with vortex following option. Do I have to change any other configuration or this configuration will provide ATCF automatically?
Once you build and run WRF with the vortex-following option, ATCF information will be output to rsl.out.0000 file.
Thanks a lot for your help! Finally I was able to generate ATCF data.
I have one additional question.
I need to have precipitation, pressure, temperature data for some specific location for the whole run (better to be in txt file).
So, I created tslist in my run directory and put 2 location which is covered by my simulation domain.
Problem is, if I run wrf.exe, there should be some file generated as mia.TS & tam.TS but my simulation isn't generating any tslist file during or after run. I am not sure what is causing the problem. Is it due to vortex following compilation or I need to modify my namelist.input to enable tslist?
Any feedback will be a great help. PF below my tslist. Or if you have any other suggestion to extract those variable data, please suggest me.

# 24 characters for name | pfx | LAT | LON |
miami mia 25.72 -80.36
tampa tam 28.07 -82.38
if "tslist" exists in your running directory, then time series output will be generated.
If the model failed to generate the TS files, usually it is because:
(1) the specified lat/lon in "tslist" is outside the model domain
(2) the format of the tslist is wrong.
Please double check your settings.