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How to get precipitation data from RAINC and RAINNC

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New member
Hi everyone,

I am trying to analyze precipitation data from wrfout files for a 10 year period and I am not sure which variables to use. Could someone please help me clarify the difference between RAINC and RAINNC, and what the units are? I am especially confused with this because the values seem to be very small (mm/hour or mm/day)?

When I look at values for RAINC using cdo, the values seem to be cumulative (i.e. the values only get bigger as time goes on) but I'd like to calculate average monthly / average seasonal precipitation if possible.

Any help is appreciated!
RAINC = the cumulative total cumulus/convective precipitation
RAINNC = the cumulative total non-convective precipitation

If you wanted the total, you would need to combine those 2 values. As for calculating a monthly average, you could write some very simple scripts to do that. For e.g., take the values at the end of the month, minus the values at the beginning of the month to get the total values for that particular month, and then divide those values by the number of days in the month.