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How to initialize the WRF with aerosol data from the ECMWF forcing data?

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Dear Colleges,

I am interested in running sensitivity experiments with the Thompson aerosol aware microphysical scheme (option 28). The scheme can work with two input aerosol options: 1. use constant values or 2. use input from WPS
However, in the README.namelist fie it says that we also can introduce new datasets and the actual data set for Thompson mp=28 (WIF) that
utilizes QNWFA and QNIFA (water and ice friendly aerosols) has been tested.
The ECMWF HRES Operational model which I use for the initalization of the WRF model contains lots of variables for various aerosol types (I do not know which one is relevant for the Thompson scheme as input). I wounder if it is possible to process and use also the aerosol data from the ECMWF HRES forcing data (or any other aerosol data which could you suggest) in the WRF simulations?
I could not find the space-holder/practice set-up for "GCA" indicated in the README.namelist file. Can you present an example of proper modification of the Registry and in module_initialize_real.F for this purpose?

Best regards,
Hi Artur,
The Thompson Aerosol scheme was written specifically for the QNWFA and QNIFA input data, which (if you haven't already), you can read about here:

The scheme was written by an outside collaborator (i.e., not from within our group). Unfortunately it would probably take quite a bit of work to implement code modifications to use different types of aerosol data, and unfortunately we do not have the resources to make such modifications. You can still use the ECMWF input data for all other variables, and then use the specific QNWFA and QNIFA data, along with the ECMWF data in order to use the Thompson aerosol scheme.

Thanks a lot for your helpful response! My next questions are the followings:

1) How does the dust_emis (new since V4.0) option, which turns on sfc dust emission scheme work? Whether I set dust_emis=1 (with erosion_dim=3) or 0 (in the &physics section) the produced wrfinput files are the same (checked with diff).

2) As far as I understand following options are for the WRF-CHEM, right?
num_gca_levels = 13
gca_input_opt = 1

Kind regards,

1) I don't believe the "dust_emis" is used until wrf.exe is run. You can take a look at the code changes implemented to add this here:

2) Yes, that is correct - those are specific to WRF-Chem.

Yes, I agree that the "dust_emis" is used after running the wrf.exe. But I tried running the wrf.exe with this option and without this option, and the resulting wrfout files were the same (checked with diff).

Kind regards,
Which exact version of V4 of the code are you using to run these tests? Thanks!
Can you attach the namelist.input file you're using for this case? Can you also attach one time for each domain of your met_em* files? If they are too large to attach, see directions for sending large files on the home page of this forum. Thanks!

Thanks for your email! Please find attached the namelist file. The metem files can be downloaded here:

Kind regards,


  • namelist.input
    6.8 KB · Views: 90
Hi Artur,
This somehow got buried in my pile of emails and got overlooked. I apologize for that. Have you been able to move past this problem yet, or do you still need help?

Thanks for your reply!
Indeed, the use of "dust_emis" option is still questionable for me, because as I said, I tried running the wrf.exe with this option and without this option, and the resulting wrfout files were the same (checked with diff).

Kind regards,
Thanks for sending the met_em* files. Unfortunately I actually need the next time period, as well, so that I'll be able to create a wrfbdy_d01 file. I apologize for not asking for them initially. Do you mind sending those and letting me know when they are uploaded? Thanks!