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How to modify URBPARAM.TBL parameters for 1 urban class


Dear WRF community,

I have a question about URBPARAM.TBL, specifically URB_FRAC parameter. In the URBPARAM.TBL, the properties are set for 3 urban classes. However, if I used default MODIS LULC with 1 urban class, how can I modify properties in the URBPARAM.TBL? For example, the URB_FRAC has 3 options for 3 urban classes(high density, medium density and industrial), but I did not find columns to modify for 1 urban class.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you very much.
If you are using a MODIS LULC dataset with only one urban class, you can still modify the properties in the URBPARAM.TBL. The URB_FRAC parameter has options for three urban classes, but you can still modify the value for the one urban class that you have in your LULC dataset. You can adjust the values for parameters such as albedo, emissivity, and roughness length in the URBPARAM.TBL for your one urban class. Keep in mind that the values you choose should be appropriate for the specific characteristics of the urban area you are modeling. GreenSky Online
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If you are using a MODIS LULC dataset with only one urban class, you can still modify the properties in the URBPARAM.TBL. The URB_FRAC parameter has options for three urban classes, but you can still modify the value for the one urban class that you have in your LULC dataset. You can adjust the values for parameters such as albedo, emissivity, and roughness length in the URBPARAM.TBL for your one urban class. Keep in mind that the values you choose should be appropriate for the specific characteristics of the urban area you are modeling.
@Ernestorowe Thank you for your help.
Hello everyone,
Please I am running WRF-Urban using BEP_BEM. I Will like to classify my building heights e.g 10m height = 20%, 15m height = 60% and 20m height = 20%. Should i just modify this in my URBPARM.TBL?
I agree that you can simply modify URBPARM.TBL to reclassify building heights. Please try and let me know if there is any issue. Thanks.
Thank you for your response, I did modifiy my URBPARM.TBL and there was no issue or am I required to do anything after the modification?
I don't think anything else should be modified. Please move on to run real.exe and wrf.exe. Let me know if you have any issue. Thanks.
wait does this mean that each time we want to change something in the URBPARM.TBL , we should re-run real.exe to generate new wrfbdy and wrfinput?
Actually from what I learnt, I don't think we need to re-run real.exe each time we modify the URBPARM.TBL, however, i do it just in case to avoid having any issues. This is my opinion, I might be wrong though
Hello everyone. I ran into a problem, my simulation runs successfully when i turn off my sf_urban_physics, but when i turn it on using BEP_BEM, the simulation wont run giving this error:

At line 2372 of file module_sf_urban.f90
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1 of list input