I am not aware which are the steps to contribute with new code for the model. Thus I am using the forum and posting openly the question.
With my colleagues we have been working in a new WRF module to make CORDEX variables requirements (Reginal Climate modelling experiments) more easy to be meet for the WRF users avoiding post-processing the output. An article is already under revision about it.
As leading author I had been asked by a reviewer to make contact with WRF-developers to make possible to include the module in the main source code of WRF. I was more keen to wait until the publication of the article, but never mind, this will not change too much the outcome.
There are already 4 different versions of the code for 4 different versions of WRF: 3.7.1., 3.8.1, and 4.0 The code is already working and being used worldwide. Although as always, new demands arise and it might require further important developments like being able to cope with adaptive time-step.
Please, let me know if you need from me, to adapt the module to the latest version or you need more requirements (like meet adaptive time-step) before being considered to be included in the main WRF source.
Another maybe interesting work to do, might be to make it also available for the MPAS?
Hoping being useful to the model and the community.
With my colleagues we have been working in a new WRF module to make CORDEX variables requirements (Reginal Climate modelling experiments) more easy to be meet for the WRF users avoiding post-processing the output. An article is already under revision about it.
As leading author I had been asked by a reviewer to make contact with WRF-developers to make possible to include the module in the main source code of WRF. I was more keen to wait until the publication of the article, but never mind, this will not change too much the outcome.
There are already 4 different versions of the code for 4 different versions of WRF: 3.7.1., 3.8.1, and 4.0 The code is already working and being used worldwide. Although as always, new demands arise and it might require further important developments like being able to cope with adaptive time-step.
Please, let me know if you need from me, to adapt the module to the latest version or you need more requirements (like meet adaptive time-step) before being considered to be included in the main WRF source.
Another maybe interesting work to do, might be to make it also available for the MPAS?
Hoping being useful to the model and the community.