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How to replace LU_INDEX =1 to LU_INDEX =31, 32, 33?


New member
I am trying to conduct WRF simulation with UCM (31~33). I have already classified the urban land (LU_INDEX=1) with 3 categories (31, 32, and 33) based on ArcGIS. How can I replace LU_INDEX =1 to LU_INDEX =31, 32, 33 for WRF simulation?
According to some suggestion, it seems necessary to modify the LU_INDEX data in the wrfinput file before running WRF.
Could anyone can tell me the way to replace LU_INDEX =1 to LU_INDEX =31, 32, 33?
Dear kwerner
Thanks for your reply.
>Are you using NLCD static fields for this?
I don't have NLCD for the target area.
Therefore, I obtained the LU_INDEX data through analyzing ArcGIS data.
Only change the category of LU_INDEX from 1 to 31 or 32 or 33.
I am trying to change LANDUSEF in Is it correct?
Dear Kwerner

Thanks for you recommending the file.
Actually, I found that I cannot download landuse data from for my target area.
So, I classified the urban land (LU_INDEX=1) with 3 categories (31, 32, and 33) based on ArcGIS.
I just tried to replace LU_INDEX=1 by LU_INDEX=31,32,33 using read_wrf_nc.f and succeed.
However, the albedo, emissivity, LAI are very different from that without UCM.
Without LU_INDEX, is there any other parameter I have to modify?
I believe these same concerns are already being addressed here. In the future, let's just keep the conversation to a single thread (the one linked) so as to not cause confusion. Thanks.