I am running the WRF model at 3 km resolution over complex terrain using high resolution forcing data which has 9 km spatial resolution. I perform one step nesting procedure, i.e. nesting directly the ECMWF 9 km forcing data to the WRF run at 3 km.
Considering that I have complex terrain over the simulation domain and only one-step nesting, do you suggest me to significantly increase the number of points in relaxation zone? say, relax_zone=20 or higher?
Do number of points in relaxation zone refer to the WRF parent model (with 3 km resolution) or to the forcing data (ECMWF with ~9km spatial resolution)?
Best regards,
Considering that I have complex terrain over the simulation domain and only one-step nesting, do you suggest me to significantly increase the number of points in relaxation zone? say, relax_zone=20 or higher?
Do number of points in relaxation zone refer to the WRF parent model (with 3 km resolution) or to the forcing data (ECMWF with ~9km spatial resolution)?
Best regards,