I had some problems like that. May I ask whether you solved yours?
I want to use SMOPS data (including just soil moisture) as initializing. I wrote its Vtable and run (ungribe.exe and metgrid.exe) correctly (kwerner helped me about it: posted as SMOPS Vtable).
After running ./real.exe I found not suitable output for SMOIS in wrfinput files.
Some points I should mention: GFS data linked per 6hr (00,06,12,18) but SMOPS data linked daily (only 00).
So, for GFS and ./ungrib.exe (interval_seconds = 21600 in namelist.wps), but for SMOPS and ./ungrib.exe (interval_seconds = 86400 in namelist.wps). While ./real.exe (interval_seconds = 21600, in namelist.input).
However, I've test for GFS daily linked (only 00 hr and interval_seconds = 86400), but there is still bad difference between with and without SMOPS initialization.
I've attached 4 files for:
1- Only GFS 6rh (00,06,12,18)
2- GFS 6 hr (00,06,12,18) and SMOPS 24 hr (00)
3- Only GFS 24 hr (00)
4- GFS 24 hr (00) and SMOPS 24 hr (00)
I hope I could describe my issue clearly.
I'll be thankful for any help.