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I need model simulation 48h,but when I run./wrf.exe, the model stopped when generate just first six hour data


New member
I according Choosing an Appropriate Number of Processors to change the parameters, but it still wrong. The error files say "forrtl: error (78): process killed (SIGTERM)" (you can see in attached files).
Here are the namelist files, rsl.error and rsl.out files. Anyone know how can fix this? If anyone can answer I would be very grateful!


    38.9 KB · Views: 4
  • namelist.input
    3.7 KB · Views: 4
  • namelist.wps
    810 bytes · Views: 2
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Good morning,

Looking at the rsl.error.0000 file I see a v_cfl error flag.

This FAQ shows what that means

First reccomendation would be to try to reduce the time step from 90 down to 75 or 60
The rsl files contain many error messages related to v_cfl violation after around 2 hours of integration, which indicates that this case is numerically unstable. Since the model domain covers complex terrain areas, topography may be an issue in this case.

Please reduce the time step to 60, and turn on w_damping =1, set epssm = 0.9, then rerun this case.

Let me know whether it can run successfully.