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I want to know the meaning of the simulation period.


New member

What does it mean to use run_time in &time_control in namelist.input?
For example, what does it mean to change run_seconds from 5 seconds to 10 seconds in all the same conditions, with input from 00:00 on January 1, 2021?
Is it true that you mean a change from a result at 00:05 on January 1, 2021 to a result at 00:10 on January 1, 2021?

Thank you!!
Thank you for your answer!
However, I ask you one more time because I don't understand. As you said, if you perform WRF with 00:00 input data on January 1, 2021, whether run_hours=5 or run_hours=10, the 00:00 data on January 1, 2021 does not change, but the longer the run_time, the more data you capture, right?
Let me clarify this:
If you run run WRF with the initial input data at 2021-01-01_00, and you run the model for 10 hours (run_hours = 10), then the data at the initial time will remain unchanged. The WRF physics and dynamics will then start to evolve and produce the atmospheric conditions over the integration time period, in this case it is 10 hours.
The longer your integration period, the more data you will produce.
Thank you for your answer!
You said that the longer the integration period, the more data you generate, but if you say more data here, can you tell me exactly what data you have?
For example, can I say that more accurate data is generated when run_hours=10 than when run_hours=5?
No, it is not that the data is more accurate. It means that, if you run for 5-day, you will have 5-day output; if you run 10-day, you will have 10-day output.