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idealize supercell strom

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

I would like to simulate supercell storm idealize case . I don't understand how to start and where to modify.
Kindly help.
yes. I would like to know what are the sensitivity test I can do with wrf ss ideal cases? How should I proceed for that,
Because what I understand, I need to change in module file.
Can you help me with that?
Since you are already discussing this on the other forum thread, please keep the conversation going there. It becomes complicated when we have multiple threads open for the same person with the same problem, and this is not a good use of our resources, if two of us are working on an identical problem simultaneously.
Thanks for clarifying, and apologies for the delay. I took some time off last week and am trying to catch up now.

To run the supercell idealized case, you could need to compile the em_quarter_ss case, which is a 3-d case, so if you have parallel computing options available, it can be compiled for use with multiple processors. So you will need to configure and then compile

./compile em_quarter_ss >& log.compile

Once it's compiled, you'll navigate to the WRF/test/em_quarter_ss directory and first run the "run_me_first.csh" script - this will just bring-in some files that are necessary for running this case. Then you can make modifications to the namelist.input file, run ideal.exe and then wrf.exe.

Are there other particular questions you had about running this or modifying it? I see you also have commented on this previous post. Are you trying to initiate a warm bubble, as this other user is doing? For organizational purposes, let's keep your problem all in the same post. It's unnecessary to post in so many different places. If this post is related, please provide more details to your problem. Can you provide a plot, or perhaps provide one of your wrfout files (if the file is too large, please see the home page of this forum for information on providing large files). Thanks.
Thank you for your reply. I have already follow the steps you mentioned.
But output is not showing proper result.
Here below I am attaching namelist.input
I have ploted two figure
one is plot of wind speed at z=10 (wspd_z10_ss.png)
another one is meridional wind at 10 mn (v10_ss.png)


  • namelist.input
    4.7 KB · Views: 49
  • v10_ss.png
    295.4 KB · Views: 1,991
  • wspd_z10_ss.png
    96.2 KB · Views: 1,991
  • namelist.ARWpost
    1.2 KB · Views: 48
I did a test run with the default namelist that comes with the supercell case and I also don't see any U/V winds at 10m. We've tested the default versions of all idealized cases many times over the years and they provide accurate results. I believe it's likely that since the initial conditions come from a sounding, there were no measurements taken at the 10m level. If you look at wind fields higher up, I think they look reasonable.
Thank you for your reply but I have already check. vertical profile shows constant field
here I am attaching two figure
1. vertical profile of temperature
2. vertical profile of u_wind

kindly check that and let me know if I need to change in inputs or anything else.


  • temp.png
    42 KB · Views: 1,986
  • u_wind.png
    41.1 KB · Views: 1,989
What time are you plotting in those plots you sent? If it's the initial time, everything will be zero, but if you go out in time, you should start to see some values. I'm attaching 2 screenshots.

1) wrfhelp_uwind_time3_level2.png: A screenshot from ncview using the wrfout* file I created using your namelist with a default build of WRF for the supercell idealized case. This is U-wind at level 2 for the 3rd time interval (though I saw values at all levels starting at hour 1).

2) user_uwind_time3_level2.png: A screenshot from ncview using the wrfout* file you sent me. This is the same time and level as the first screenshot.

In both plots, you can see there are values, though they do differ. Did you modify the WRF code at all prior to running your simulation?


  • wrfhelp_uwind_time3_level2.png
    334.1 KB · Views: 1,967
  • user_uwind_time3_level2.png
    218 KB · Views: 1,965