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Implement Irrigation Scheme in WRF

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I am working in WRF model for simulating to understand the changes occurring in upward moisture, sensible heat flux, temperature at 2 m and skin temperature with and without irrigation. I have some following questions regarding such simulation runs
1. Is their a way I can run a simulation with irrigation and without irrigation.
2. I also found that in Noah-mp lsm the MPTABLE.TBL file contains irrigation strategy field, could you explain what will happen when I change that from 0 to 1.
3. In most literature they used irrigation schemes in wrf as one attached with this mail, and I am not able to find out a way I could implement that scheme in my study. How to implement an irrigation scheme in WRF? Weather I need to change the code of WRF (Please find a reference paper attached with this mail). If so, will it be possible to know the process steps which I could follow to include that in WRF for my study.

Please help


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  • jcli-d-15-0337.1.pdf
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Unfortunately we don't have any experience with this type of test simulation, or with running an irrigation scheme within our group, nor am I able to locate any documentation on the specifics of the Noah-MP scheme, in regard to irrigation. My suggestions would be either to determine an LSM you'd like to use (e.g., NoahMP), and then determine with variable inside that code represents soil moisture, and force that variable to maintain saturation for cropland - if that makes sense for your application. Or the better option likely would be to try to contact the author(s) of the paper you referenced (or another paper that uses such an application) to ask what they did to turn on irrigation. If you do figure this out, please let us know, as it may help another user with a similar issue in the future.