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Including QNCLOUD as WRF output variable


New member
Hi everyone,

I want to write QNCLOUD (cloud water Number concentration) as a variable in my wrf out file.

I have tried replacing the following line in Registry.EM_COMMON:

state real qnc ikjftb scalar 1 - \
i0rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QNCLOUD" "cloud water Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
state real qnc ikjftb scalar 1 - \
i0rh01usdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "QNCLOUD" "cloud water Number concentration" "# kg(-1)" # Anie 15/12/23

But could not get QNCLOUD in the out file.

I am using 4.2.2 and mp_physics = 24.

Looking forward to any kind of help.

Thank you
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Hi Anie,
The reason you're not seeing the QNCLOUD variable in your output is because mp_physics option 24 (WSM7) does not use that variable. If you take a look at the Registry.EM_COMMON file, toward the bottom are all the mp_physics options, along with packages they use. The variable in those packages for QNCLOUD is 'qnc.'