During the cold air outbreak in January, we had a crash in RUC LSM due to ISLTYP/XLAND being at inconsistent values (one indicating LAND, the other WATER).
According to ncks, the ISLTYP in the wrfinput_d01 file is 3 and xland=1, which is fine.
In SURFACE_DRIVER() we had xland=1 (land) and ISLTYP=14 (water) such that in LSMRUC() the subroutine SFCTMP() is called, which should never be called for ISLTYP=14. Finally there is a division by zero in SOILPROP(), such that the heat capacity becomes NaN.
To see where this comes from, we printed XLAND and ISLTYP for this gridpoint after reading wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01:
After reading wrfinput:
After reading wrfbdy_d01:
I assume that after reading wrfinput, the xland and isltyp are not already written to these variables.
After reading wrfbdy the variables are inconsistent.
During the cold air outbreak in January, we had a crash in RUC LSM due to ISLTYP/XLAND being at inconsistent values (one indicating LAND, the other WATER).
According to ncks, the ISLTYP in the wrfinput_d01 file is 3 and xland=1, which is fine.
In SURFACE_DRIVER() we had xland=1 (land) and ISLTYP=14 (water) such that in LSMRUC() the subroutine SFCTMP() is called, which should never be called for ISLTYP=14. Finally there is a division by zero in SOILPROP(), such that the heat capacity becomes NaN.
To see where this comes from, we printed XLAND and ISLTYP for this gridpoint after reading wrfinput_d01 and wrfbdy_d01:
After reading wrfinput:
wrf main: calling open_r_dataset for wrfinput
after reading wrfinput
xland(144,701), grid%isltyp(144,701) 0.0000000E+00 0
After reading wrfbdy_d01:
d01 2019-01-19_12:00:00 in med_latbound_in preparing to read
d01 2019-01-19_12:00:00 Opening: wrfbdy_d01
after reading wrfbdy_d01
xland(144,701), grid%isltyp(144,701) 1.000000 14
I assume that after reading wrfinput, the xland and isltyp are not already written to these variables.
After reading wrfbdy the variables are inconsistent.
- Is it possible that the error is related to reading the wrfbdy file?
- Is it possible that it is an issue with indexing, i.e. MPI / OpenMP reading the wrong (i,j)? Or that the grid is shifted?
- How can we solve this? An additional IF to find inconsistencies in xland/isltyp at initialization time?