Dear all,
I tried to initialize WRF with HRRR data download from here.
The HRRR contains both pressure levels and surface (PRF and SFC). From a previous tutorial (WRF with HRRR), it says it doesn't need surface files, which are also the steps that I followed.
I linked the Vtable.hrrr_rap. The ungrib passed (or at least it didn't show any error). The error that I met is that the bottom-top grid is 1 stead of 40 in the tutorial.

I'm not sure which steps that I did is wrong. Will appreciate any helps on this.
I tried to initialize WRF with HRRR data download from here.
The HRRR contains both pressure levels and surface (PRF and SFC). From a previous tutorial (WRF with HRRR), it says it doesn't need surface files, which are also the steps that I followed.
I linked the Vtable.hrrr_rap. The ungrib passed (or at least it didn't show any error). The error that I met is that the bottom-top grid is 1 stead of 40 in the tutorial.

I'm not sure which steps that I did is wrong. Will appreciate any helps on this.