New member
For past several days, I am struggling with a very strange problem while using down. I am following the steps mentioned on the WRF Tutorial for running ndown.exe from a 15km domain to 3km domain (
So, the steps i follow is that I rename the wrfinput_d02 to wrfndi_d02, and make the required changes in namelist.input (please see it attached herewith). However, when I inspect U and V in the resulting wrfinput_d02, I see mostly close to zero values. Strangely enough, U10 and V10 seem reasonable. I have attached relevant ncview screenshots herewith. I have checked the wrfout_d01 files and the input wrfndi_d02 files, where U and V seem reasonable.
I am using WRF version 4.2.2.
I am a new user of WRF and there might be something fundamentally wrong. S far i have already tried different options of interpolation (liner or logarithmic), choices of eta levels. Any leads will be highly appreciated.
Best regards,
For past several days, I am struggling with a very strange problem while using down. I am following the steps mentioned on the WRF Tutorial for running ndown.exe from a 15km domain to 3km domain (
So, the steps i follow is that I rename the wrfinput_d02 to wrfndi_d02, and make the required changes in namelist.input (please see it attached herewith). However, when I inspect U and V in the resulting wrfinput_d02, I see mostly close to zero values. Strangely enough, U10 and V10 seem reasonable. I have attached relevant ncview screenshots herewith. I have checked the wrfout_d01 files and the input wrfndi_d02 files, where U and V seem reasonable.
I am using WRF version 4.2.2.
I am a new user of WRF and there might be something fundamentally wrong. S far i have already tried different options of interpolation (liner or logarithmic), choices of eta levels. Any leads will be highly appreciated.
Best regards,