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Is there no radiation variable output for CLEAN SKY in WRFv3.4?


New member
Hello! I am using the WRFv3.4 model for radiation. I realized that the conditions for CLEAN SKY are not provided in this version. For example, for the upward shortwave radiation at the TOA, the only variables I found in the registry file are SWUPT and SWUPTC (which is for CLEAR SKY). How do I export SWUPTCLN (clean sky) in v3.4?
I would suggest that you look at the newest version of WRF, which includes many clear sky radiation terms like SWDDIRC and SWDDNIC, etc. Then you can follow the same method to add these variables to WRFV3.4, ---- this could be a very tedious going work but I won't expect it is very hard.