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ln -s ungrib/Variable_Tables/ Vtable


New member
Hello! I used Era5 data as input.
data1.grib is the pressure level 3D data and data2.grib is the surface layer data. I learnt that I need to link land-sea mask.grib and geopotential.grib. Therefore, I put all the required data in the same file.

1. ln -s ungrib/Variable_Tables/ Vtable

2. ./link_grib.csh /scratch/yuyp/run_test/era5data/*
3. ./ungrib.exe

Is this process correct?

should I do it separately? For example,
1. ln -s ungrib/Variable_Tables/ Vtable
2. ./link_grib.csh /scratch/yuyp/run_test/era5data/data1.grib
4. ln -s ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.ERA-interim.sfc Vtable
5. ./link_grib.csh /scratch/yuyp/run_test/era5data/data2.grib

How about the Land-sea mask.grib and geopotential.grib? How should I link?

Thank you for your advice and I am looking forward to seeing from you.

Best regards,
If you haven't already, take a look at Using Multiple Meteorological Data Sources in the WPS chapter of the WRF Users' Guide. If you have a single Vtable to process all of the variables, then if the files all have the same prefix, it's okay to process it all at once. For ERA5 data, you will also need an invariant file. See How to Process ERA5 Data.
If you haven't already, take a look at Using Multiple Meteorological Data Sources in the WPS chapter of the WRF Users' Guide. If you have a single Vtable to process all of the variables, then if the files all have the same prefix, it's okay to process it all at once. For ERA5 data, you will also need an invariant file. See How to Process ERA5 Data.
Thank you! What does same prefix mean? For example, here, I have data1.grib as surface data and data2.grib as pressure data and geopotential.grib and land-sea mask.grib in one folder, I then link all of them without changing namelist.wps, is it doable?
ln -s ungrib/Variable_Tables/ Vtable

./link_grib.csh /run_test/*
You need to use Vtable.ECMWF to ungrib all ERA5 data, i.e.,
ln -sf ungrib/ariable_Tables/Vtable.ECMWF Vtable,
Then run link_grib.csh to link all upper air and surface data of ERA5.
Ungrib will process all these files simultaneously.
You need to use Vtable.ECMWF to ungrib all ERA5 data, i.e.,
ln -sf ungrib/ariable_Tables/Vtable.ECMWF Vtable,
Then run link_grib.csh to link all upper air and surface data of ERA5.
Ungrib will process all these files simultaneously.
Thank you. How are about the invariables?
Hello, I am also trying to use ERA5 data into WPS and I am confused on whether to use Vtable.ERA-interim or Vtable.ECMWF. I initially found here: WRF - Free Data that the ERA-interim is recommended for ds633.0. But I see on many forum discussions that Vtable.ECMWF is recommended instead. :unsure:
Thank you!