I am attempting simulate thunderstorm interactions with simplistic terrain in the wrf-fire simple_hill idealized framework.
What I would like to do is simply manipulate the slope % of the simple hill (i.e. run simulations with 45% grade, 75%, etc....) however I am struggling with how to go about doing this...
When I look at the module_initialization_fire.F code I see these lines where gradient is being calculated:
! compute the terrain gradient by differencing
do j=jfts,jfte
do i=ifts,ifte
grid%dzdxf(i,j) = (grid%zsf(i+1,j)-grid%zsf(i-1,j))/(2.*fdx)
grid%dzdyf(i,j) = (grid%zsf(i,j+1)-grid%zsf(i,j-1))/(2.*fdy)
endif ! have_fire_grad
So it appears the developers use a finite differencing technique to calculate the gradient in the x and y directions...
But the actual gradient calculation appears to happen further down:
mtn_max = 0.
grad_max =0.
DO j=jfts,jfte
DO i=ifts,ifte
mtn_max = max(mtn_max, grid%zsf(i,j))
grad_max = max( grad_max, sqrt(grid%dzdxf(i,j)**2+grid%dzdyf(i,j)**2))
write(6, *)' Max terrain height on the fire mesh ',mtn_max
write(6, *)' Max terrain gradient on the fire mesh ',grad_max
I've attempted to manipulate both of these set of lines in a variety of ways but it doesn't change the slope at all.
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to manipulate these lines for my purposes, or perhaps when the mountain height is created using a COS wave equation:
DO j=jfts,jfte
DO i=ifts,ifte
mtn_x = pi + 2*pi* max(0. , min( (i - mtn_fxs)/(mtn_fxe - mtn_fxs), 1. ))
mtn_y = pi + 2*pi* max(0. , min( (j - mtn_fys)/(mtn_fye - mtn_fys), 1. ))
SELECT CASE(mtn_type)
CASE (1) ! circ/elliptic mountain
mtn_z = mtn_ht * 0.25 * (1. + COS(mtn_x))*(1. + COS(mtn_y))
Thanks in advance!
I am attempting simulate thunderstorm interactions with simplistic terrain in the wrf-fire simple_hill idealized framework.
What I would like to do is simply manipulate the slope % of the simple hill (i.e. run simulations with 45% grade, 75%, etc....) however I am struggling with how to go about doing this...
When I look at the module_initialization_fire.F code I see these lines where gradient is being calculated:
! compute the terrain gradient by differencing
do j=jfts,jfte
do i=ifts,ifte
grid%dzdxf(i,j) = (grid%zsf(i+1,j)-grid%zsf(i-1,j))/(2.*fdx)
grid%dzdyf(i,j) = (grid%zsf(i,j+1)-grid%zsf(i,j-1))/(2.*fdy)
endif ! have_fire_grad
So it appears the developers use a finite differencing technique to calculate the gradient in the x and y directions...
But the actual gradient calculation appears to happen further down:
mtn_max = 0.
grad_max =0.
DO j=jfts,jfte
DO i=ifts,ifte
mtn_max = max(mtn_max, grid%zsf(i,j))
grad_max = max( grad_max, sqrt(grid%dzdxf(i,j)**2+grid%dzdyf(i,j)**2))
write(6, *)' Max terrain height on the fire mesh ',mtn_max
write(6, *)' Max terrain gradient on the fire mesh ',grad_max
I've attempted to manipulate both of these set of lines in a variety of ways but it doesn't change the slope at all.
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to manipulate these lines for my purposes, or perhaps when the mountain height is created using a COS wave equation:
DO j=jfts,jfte
DO i=ifts,ifte
mtn_x = pi + 2*pi* max(0. , min( (i - mtn_fxs)/(mtn_fxe - mtn_fxs), 1. ))
mtn_y = pi + 2*pi* max(0. , min( (j - mtn_fys)/(mtn_fye - mtn_fys), 1. ))
SELECT CASE(mtn_type)
CASE (1) ! circ/elliptic mountain
mtn_z = mtn_ht * 0.25 * (1. + COS(mtn_x))*(1. + COS(mtn_y))
Thanks in advance!