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Met Data for WRF - ds084.1


New member
With respect to the dataset ds084.1 on the rda.ucar website I have a couple of questions -

Q1) Why does it misses the multiple of 6 hours when we request for 3-hour forecast like -
Product = 3-hour Forecast
start Date = 2023-05-09_00:00
End Date = 2023-05-09_12:00
Valid_Times = [2023-05-09 03:00:00,2023-05-09 09:00:00]
So it does not have the following timestamps - 2023-05-09 00:00:00,2023-05-09 06:00:00,2023-05-09 12:00:00?

Q2) what is the difference b/w the data that we get for different products but with same start/end date like -
1) Product = 84-hour Forecast
start Date = 2023-05-12_00:00
End Date = 2023-05-13_00:00

2)Product = 3-hour Forecast
start Date = 2023-05-12_00:00
End Date = 2023-05-13_00:00

Q1) Why does it misses the multiple of 6 hours when we request for 3-hour forecast like -
Product = 3-hour Forecast
I'm not sure why you aren't getting the data for the 6 hour intervals. You may need to contact the RDA-support group to ask what you're doing wrong. They should have those files available.

Q2) what is the difference b/w the data that we get for different products but with same start/end date
If I'm not mistaken, the 3-hour forecast is the data output by the GFS model 3 hours out from the initial time, and the 84-hour forecast is when the model was 84 hours out from the initial time - meaning the 3-hour forecast will be more accurate. Again, this is a question you should probably ask the CISL-RDA support group to be sure.