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metgrid ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field using GEFSv12 reforecast data

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

I am trying to use GEFSv12 reforecast data (available at to drive a regional simulation in WRF. I have pre-processed the grib files such that the required fields are contained in one file per forecast hour. Also, note that the fields vary in spatial resolution (0.25-deg at pressure levels below 700mb, else 0.50-deg), but I did not regrid them to a common resolution since grid can be defined per variable per level in the intermediate file.
I used Python package pygrib to read the grib data, and pywinter to write the corresponding intermediate files. I compared the results of the rd_intermediate.exe to results using intermediate files generated by ungrib. Upon running metgrid.exe, I encountered an error during the output module part:
2021-12-22 08:01:01.434 --- Initializing output module.
2021-12-22 08:01:02.893 --- ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field
What might be causing this error? Should I regrid the 0.25-deg fields to 0.50-deg first for homogeneity?


  • sample_rd_log.txt
    52.2 KB · Views: 28
  • metgrid.log.txt
    21.7 KB · Views: 29
If you do a search of the forum, there are several posts regarding this message:

Take a look through those to see if the responses are helpful for you. If you are still having trouble after trying the suggested fixes, please let us know. Thanks!