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metgrid - running subdomains only

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi all,

I've tried looking but I can't find any topics on the internet which help with this. I am wondering if there's a way to run subdomains only.

I've run my parent grid and 1st child grid. But then I want to run adhoc on demand 2nd child grids but it seems at the moment the only way is to run the parent and 2 child grids in the same execution of metgird.

Is there another way? Do I just have to treat it as if it's a parent grid and calcuate the correct lat / long for that subdomain, then rename the files after it's run?

Thank you
if I understand correctly, you want to run merged.exe to produce met_em files for a child domain. In this case, you may simply modify your namelist.wps, making it a single domain run but the domain setting should be that for your child domain.
I'm not sure if this exactly addresses the original question, but it is possible to have the geogrid and metgrid programs only process a specified subset of domains defined in the namelist.wps file using the "active_grid" option in the &share namelist group; this hidden option is documented in the "Description of Namelist Variables" section in Chapter 3 of the ARW User's Guide. Taking the specific example of having three domains defined (a parent domain, and two nested domains), it would be possible to process just the third domain by setting
active_grid = false, false, true