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Metgrid Trouble with new NCEP/GFS Version Update 12 June, 2019 at 1200 UTC

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Hello, I'm using wrfv3.3 and stop workind 12 June 9, I did what this post said I fix ungrib problem but I get errors with metgrib. The error is

[sudo] password for usuario:
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
WARNING: In METGRID.TBL, unrecognized option mpas_name in entry 10.
Processing domain 1 of 2
Processing 2019-07-04_00
WRF_DEBUG: Warning DIM 4 , NAME num_metgrid_levels REDEFINED by var VV 35 34 in wrf_io.F90 line 2465
ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field
[0] MPI Abort by user Aborting program !
[0] Aborting program!
p0_17273: p4_error: : 0
I compile metgrid either, the same way I did with ungrib. And change METGRIB.TBL with the new one.
I don't know what I should change to get this work again.
Can you help me out with this please?
Best Regards

Hi Carina,
This metgrid error typically means surface data is missing. Check to make sure that all of the 3-d meteorological fields include surface level data.
Hi kwerner, thanks for your help.
I downloaded WPS_GEOG data complete dataset ( what else I'm missing?
I try changing the grib data too, from this to this
Metgrid works with this configuration but I have problems with wrf now.

Can you help me find out what?
Best regards

You shouldn't need to make modifications to the actual data. I ran a test with your original data file, using WPSV4.1 and I didn't have any problems. Just to make sure, did you update your ungrib program to V4.0 (or later)?
Is there a reason why you need to use the older version of WPS? I understand if it's necessary to use the older version of WRF, but it should be okay to just rebuild an entire new version of WPS (V4.0+) to use along with your V3.3 version of WRF. Can you try this as a test to see if you're able to run WPS with the original (non-modified) data file, without getting any ungrib or metgrid errors?