I am working as tmazzett on the cheyenne system in
we tried to use the /glade/work/wrfhelp/WPS_GEOG/SRTM_topo_3s data folder to increase the geographical dara resolution for a 100m WRF simulation.
We had to modify geogrid/GEOGRID.TBL.ARW to include the following lines in the name =HGT_M section
interp_option = 3s:average_gcel(4.0)+four_pt+average_4pt
rel_path = 3s:SRTM_topo_3s
and in namelist.wps set
geog_data_res = '3s','3s'
geogrid ran successfully, but.
when examining the output with
there are 2 anomalous "pits" in the terrain close to the west and east boundary and the northern part of the domain.
this propagated to cfl errors when executing wrf.exe on a 900m gridspacing.
Any ideas on how these "pits" got into the terrain data and how to fix them?
I am working as tmazzett on the cheyenne system in
we tried to use the /glade/work/wrfhelp/WPS_GEOG/SRTM_topo_3s data folder to increase the geographical dara resolution for a 100m WRF simulation.
We had to modify geogrid/GEOGRID.TBL.ARW to include the following lines in the name =HGT_M section
interp_option = 3s:average_gcel(4.0)+four_pt+average_4pt
rel_path = 3s:SRTM_topo_3s
and in namelist.wps set
geog_data_res = '3s','3s'
geogrid ran successfully, but.
when examining the output with
there are 2 anomalous "pits" in the terrain close to the west and east boundary and the northern part of the domain.
this propagated to cfl errors when executing wrf.exe on a 900m gridspacing.
Any ideas on how these "pits" got into the terrain data and how to fix them?