I have previously run WRF successfully with ERA5 output for two domains. Now I have a third domain (inside the 2nd domain basically), the same ERA5 pressure level and single level data, but metgird fails to run.
The errors are:
Field PRES, PMSL and PSFC has missing values at level 200100 at i,j= 1,40
Missing values encountered at interpolated fields. Stopping application.
I don't understand that when it has previously run perfectly with ERA5 over the same region with two domains, why it isn't running well for three domains?
I have attached the metgrid.log and namelist.wps. Would really appreciate any possible solutions to this error.
I have previously run WRF successfully with ERA5 output for two domains. Now I have a third domain (inside the 2nd domain basically), the same ERA5 pressure level and single level data, but metgird fails to run.
The errors are:
Field PRES, PMSL and PSFC has missing values at level 200100 at i,j= 1,40
Missing values encountered at interpolated fields. Stopping application.
I don't understand that when it has previously run perfectly with ERA5 over the same region with two domains, why it isn't running well for three domains?
I have attached the metgrid.log and namelist.wps. Would really appreciate any possible solutions to this error.